Monthly Archives: August 2013

Pink Plate Special

IMG_165619″  X  20″    Pink Plate Special is a glass on glass mosaic. The piece is comprised of an antique window, depression glass pink plates and recycled pink glass shards. Ready to hang in a window or on the wall.

IMG_1658By Heather Brush. For sale.



Shattered Serenity


13″  X  15″   Shattered is a glass on glass (on glass) mosaic in gun metal patina frame. This frame and glass was found at a salvage shop and is an RV window. The glass bits are broken recycled candle jar and the face is ceramic Buddha-like icon. The face is multi-leveled, both behind and in front of the glass window. In effect, the shattered face is coming through the window.

IMG_1570IMG_1572 IMG_1567  IMG_1571 IMG_1569Ready to hang in a window or on a wall. For sale. By Heather Brush.

Plated Blush


14″  X   40″   Plated Blush is mosaic of glass on glass. Using depression era pink glass plates and bits and pieces of the same and other pink glass, the piece was created on an antique window frame. Nearly bare wood, faded with age and weather, with remnants of white. I loved the detail of the wooden pegged corners and dovetailed frame.

Ready to hang, this piece is for sale. By Heather Brush.IMG_1488

Different views in slightly different light.

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